Protection for Your 

Family And Freedom

Year: 2023

What is a default divorce?

If you are thinking about ending your marriage, or your spouse recently filed for a divorce, you likely have a lot of questions regarding the process and how this could impact your life. It is essential to look at the unique aspects of your divorce, whether you have...

Changing your name following a divorce

Bringing your marriage to an end could result in a number of changes in your life, from moving into a new home to finding a different job. If you took your spouse's name when you tied the knot, changing your last name could help you move on from a failed marriage, but...

How can financial infidelity affect a divorce?

You probably have more than one reason for wanting out of your marriage. If your spouse has not been forthcoming about finances, though, you might be a victim of financial infidelity. According to reporting from NBC News, financial infidelity can become toxic for any...

