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Job dissatisfaction and divorce issues

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2020 | Divorce |

There are many different ways in which your job can impact your divorce. Sometimes, job dissatisfaction leads to the breakdown of a marriage and is a primary reason behind a couple’s decision to split up. On the other hand, some people have difficulty in the workplace because of a stressful, costly and time-consuming divorce. If you are dealing with child support or alimony, your job also plays a critical role with respect to divorce matters.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 782,000 couples filed for divorce in 2018. These marriages broke down for many reasons and it is inevitable that job-related stressors played a role in some divorces. If you are unhappy at your place of work, it is very important to have a solid understanding of how your job impacts your divorce, from financial obligations to the amount of time and energy you can devote to the process.

How can quitting a job affect a divorce?

Sometimes, quitting a job is a smart move. If you are struggling with very high levels of stress and have a more lucrative opportunity to pursue, quitting your job could help. However, it is important to understand how this can affect family law matters. For example, those who are required to pay child support or alimony sometimes face consequences if they are out of work and cannot fulfill their obligations (and do not modify their child support order). On the other hand, quitting a job can also allow one to devote more time to their divorce because of a more compatible schedule.

How can people prevent job-related problems from interfering with divorce?

Whether you decide to quit or you continue to work for the same company, it is very important to prevent problems at your place of work from carrying over into the end of your marriage. Make sure you approach your divorce with the time and energy that is required, as well as a positive attitude. If possible, discuss these matters with a supervisor and try to find ways to make your schedule more compatible. Try to separate stress related to your job from stressors you encounter during divorce and make sure you handle divorce-related financial matters appropriately.

