In Texas, divorce often involves the division of various assets, including retirement accounts. Texas follows community property laws, which generally require an equitable division of all property acquired during the marriage. Retirement assets often fall into this...
In Texas, the terms "DWI" (Driving While Intoxicated) and "DUI" (Driving Under the Influence) are often confused. However, they actually have different legal meanings entirely. It is important for Texas drivers to fully understand the difference between these two...
Adopting a child is a rewarding and life-changing experience. If you’re considering adoption in Texas, preparing yourself and your home is crucial. This preparation can help you create a welcoming environment for your new family member. By taking these steps, you can...
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in traditional parenting roles. Now, more fathers are taking on the role of primary caregivers. Fathers and mothers who are ending their marriage should understand that an increasing number of custodial fathers are...
Relocation can be complicated in custody cases, especially for wealthy couples. Texas law requires a parent who wants to move with a child to inform the other parent. This gives the other parent a chance to oppose the move. Courts focus on the child's best interests,...
High-conflict divorces can drain both emotional and financial resources, but handling them with the right strategies can mitigate some of the stress involved. There are several approaches that can help manage these challenging situations effectively. Maintain clear...
A discussion about domestic violence brings up serious and concerning thoughts. These charges allege harmful behaviors by one person against another within a household or close relationship. An accused individual rightfully wonders about the consequences of such...
Parental alienation is a distressing behavior that can occur during divorce. It refers to a situation in which one spouse tries to turn their children against the other parent. If you find yourself facing this challenge, it is important to know what proactive steps...
In Texas, child support is a necessary part of a child custody agreement because it helps cover the costs of a child's food, clothes and housing. If a parent stops or refuses to pay their support, it can mess up things for everyone involved, especially the child. When...
In Texas, the treatment of inherited property in a divorce can be complex. While inheritances are generally separate property, there are situations where they can become marital assets. This means both spouses, not just one, may have a claim to the property and that...