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Will your divorce be too complicated for mediation?

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2022 | Divorce |

Perhaps you and your spouse have acquired significant assets throughout a long marriage. Now you are facing divorce.

You dread the thought of a lengthy and possibly contentious court process, but will your divorce be too complicated for mediation?

About mediation

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution. You and your soon-to-be ex-spouse will meet with a mediator outside of court. The mediator is a neutral third party who will facilitate communication as you work toward a divorce settlement agreement that is satisfactory to you both. The mediator will provide access to legal information and make recommendations to resolve any sticking points that arise during your negotiations.


With mediation, you are in control of your own divorce rather than having to abide by the decisions of a judge. Because the process usually takes less time than litigation, it is also less expensive. Communication is key. You and your spouse will discuss your opinions and disagreements openly as you negotiate the terms of your agreement. Becoming adept at open communication will also serve you well as you build new family relationships in a post-divorce world.

Advantages over litigation

Couples find that no situation is too complicated for mediation to resolve. With this process, you and your spouse can settle major issues such as property division and child custody. In addition to your attorney, you can also consult with outside experts such as an accountant or financial adviser. Mediation eases the stress and contentiousness associated with litigation and couples work on negotiations with mutual respect instead of anger. Divorce mediation is also much easier than litigation for the children of the marriage to understand and accept. A willingness to compromise is the first step toward keeping the best interests of all parties at the forefront of the process.

