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Law Office of George C. Ruiz, PLLC

Loving and Caring Order

Petitioner and Respondent are ORDERED to encourage and nurture the relationship between the children and the other party, taking good faith measures to ensure visitation and refraining from doing anything to undermine the relationship between the other party and the...

Divorce impacts Social Security benefits

Breaking up with a spouse can no doubt be stressful at any age from a financial standpoint. However, it can be even more difficult for those nearing retirement. Here is a rundown on how Social Security retirement benefits work for individuals who have gone...

Children’s Bill of Rights

Children love their parents and want to be with them. Even in times of great stress, parents have a responsibility to conduct their legal affairs in a manner that will protect their children from adult conflicts.At a minimum, children are entitled to the following...

Divorce has monetary repercussions

The process of getting divorced is often viewed as an emotional ordeal. However, divorce also has financial repercussions in San Antonio and elsewhere. For this reason, it is critical that individuals who are going through divorce closely examine their finances...

Why hire an attorney for a Texas divorce?

A lot of newlyweds find the legal side of getting married surprisingly simple. They marvel that Texas lets you change your life so profoundly with little more than filling out a form.But many people are blindsided by how long, complex and contentious divorce can get,...

