Collecting child support from self-employed parents can be tough. Unlike regular employees, self-employed people do not get steady paychecks that can be easily garnished. Knowing the challenges involved can help parents and officials find ways to make sure kids get...
As your children grow and you and your spouse move on from your divorce, your family's needs can change. Your current child support order may no longer suit your circumstances. Whether you are paying or receiving child support, you should understand when it is...
When it comes to how a recipient spends child support, there is a lot of disagreement. Many payees argue that child support should only cover the most basic and essential of living expenses, such as food, housing, clothing and school-related costs. Recipients, on the...
The State of Texas has been very aggressive when it comes to collecting child support. The child support collection efforts of the state's Attorney General's Office constitutes the bulk of the office's resources and time, according to its budget. The child support...