When people hear about divorce, they often think of a heterosexual couple that can no longer sustain a compatible relationship. However, with the development of laws protecting and supporting members of the LGBTQ community in Texas, divorce can apply to any...
Adoption creates a lifetime of opportunity for your family and the child you welcome into your home. Keeping your child's legacy alive and facilitating an understanding of the past is a process that requires time and care. Depending on the age of your child, he or she...
While divorce is the final step in ending your marriage, it does not end your parental duties with your ex-spouse. When you have children together, you will be in each other’s lives in one way or another forever. If there is a lot of conflict between you and your ex,...
Due to the sheer size and weight of a big rig, a motorist in a passenger vehicle has little chance of surviving devastating injuries in a crash. However, researchers believe that state-of-the-art safety features for large trucks can prevent many thousands of...
If you are like most married people, you and your spouse have some amount of joint debt. This might be in the form of a mortgage, a vehicle loan, a credit card or something else. When you plan to get divorced, you'll need to figure out what to do with this joint debt....
People in Texas spend years planning for their retirement, all the time assuming that their spouses will spend those years with them. It goes without saying that divorce impacts those plans significantly. Yet that impact may go beyond one's companionship during their...
If you are involved in a dispute over child custody, there are various factors that you need to consider. From reviewing your legal options and steps to increase your chances of a favorable end result to discussing issues with your ex (if this is even possible), the...
When a loved one dies in a motor vehicle accident, the family must adjust to life without that person. When the initial stages of shock and grief subside, they may find they struggle to survive financially, especially when the deceased individual supported children...
There are many different ways in which your job can impact your divorce. Sometimes, job dissatisfaction leads to the breakdown of a marriage and is a primary reason behind a couple's decision to split up. On the other hand, some people have difficulty in the workplace...
The end of a marriage will always produce some feelings of loss as it was an important relationship. If you find it especially difficult, it can help to look at the process of moving on and getting past it as you would any other significant loss. Money Crashers...