Protection for Your 

Family And Freedom

Year: 2023

What is high-asset divorce?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Texas has one of the lowest divorce rates in the country. However, 1.4 per 1,000 Texans still get divorced each year. Some of these divorces include an extensive amount of assets, making them so-called...

Back child support and your ability to drive

If you fall behind on child support, your life could turn upside down in many different ways. Aside from losing your passport, facing the possibility of arrest and suffering damage to your reputation, you could lose your ability to drive. In addition, the state also...

How does birdnesting affect children?

One of the most complex issues to solve during a divorce is the issue of child custody. How can you lessen divorce's psychological impact on your child while maintaining separation from your former spouse? One way that parents are choosing to share custody is through...

